MembranePro offers off-site membrane cleaning services including spares and repairs. Our offsite cleaning presents a cost-effective solution that can be swiftly executed as part of your strategic approach to ensuring system uptime and optimising the performance of your water treatment system.

Ensuring the consistent and effective execution of RO membrane cleaning services for your RO system stands out as one of the most straightforward strategies to uphold the efficiency of your RO System.

Restoring performance can pose a challenge if the system continues to function in a fouled state for an extended duration. Prolonged operation under such conditions may also result in permanent damage to membrane performance, necessitating expensive replacements if not promptly addressed.


Removing Phosphate From Wastewater
Removing phosphate from wastewater is an important step in wastewater treatment to prevent water pollution and protect aquatic ecosystems. Here are some commonly used methods for phosphate removal: Chemical Precipitation: a. Coagulation and Flocculation: Add coagulants …
Maximize Efficiency: Regular CIP Regime for RO Membranes
Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes are an essential part of water treatment systems, but they require regular cleaning to maintain optimal efficiency. Implementing a regular clean-in-place (CIP) regime can help maximize the lifespan and performance of RO …
Ensuring Uninterrupted Water: ISO 22301 Business Continuity
Water is essential to life, and for communities and businesses, it is vital to ensure uninterrupted water supply. ISO 22301 Business Continuity provides a framework to protect the water supply, even in times of crisis. This …
Nanofiltration: Advanced Filtration Technology Explained
Nanofiltration is an advanced filtration technology that uses a membrane to remove particles at the nanoscale level. This technology has a wide range of applications and is used in industries such as water treatment, pharmaceuticals, and …
Optimizing Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant Dosage: Analyzing Dosing Ranges
Reverse osmosis (RO) antiscalant dosage is a critical factor in preventing membrane fouling and maintaining system efficiency. However, determining the optimal dosage can be challenging. In this article, we analyze dosing ranges to optimize RO antiscalant …
Understanding Ultrafiltration: Advanced Filtration Technology
Ultrafiltration is a highly effective filtration technology that can remove particles as small as 0.01 microns from liquids. This advanced technology is widely used in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. Understanding ultrafiltration …
Chemical Cleaning for Reverse Osmosis Membrane Maintenance
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a widely used water purification process that involves the use of a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities from water. However, during the operation of the RO system, the membrane can become fouled, …
Enhancing Feedwater Quality: Optimizing Pre-Filtration, Chlorine Removal, and pH Control
With the increasing demand for high-quality water, enhancing feedwater quality has become a critical issue for industries. Optimizing pre-filtration, chlorine removal, and pH control are the key steps to ensure the purity and safety of water.
Reverse Osmosis: Tracing the Evolution of a Water Treatment Method
Reverse osmosis has revolutionized the water treatment industry, providing access to clean, safe drinking water where none existed before. This article traces the evolution of reverse osmosis technology and its impact on the world.